Saturday, December 29, 2007

IUI #2&3 a bust...

Well, this last cycle was a bust too so it's on to injectables...YIKES!! I am taking 100 mg clomid for cd3-7 and then today I start 150mg of gonal-f injectables and go see whats developing on monday. I hope this works...I HATE needles!!!! Yesterday Linda taught us how to do the injectables and when she did it to me it didn't hurt at I hope that I can do the same thing because Derek refuses to stick a needle in me. I hope this works, because if not I think we're going to take a break for a while....not quite sure what our next step is or what our ins coers..they change their mind every day!! Plus we've spent a LOT of $$ so far and I am so thankful that they gave me the injectables for free or else we wouldn't be able to do them.

I know that I don;'t write in here as often as I should, but I feel that when I write it, I think about it a LOT and then I cry, so I try t not cry so much, but hopefully we'll have a healhty baby this cycle since I have alrady responded to the clomid so fingers crossed and lots of preayers to God!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

This cylce seems to be going better....

Well, this cycle I went on day 12 to check for progress and I had an 18 and 20 mm egg so on cd14, 12/5 we went in for an IUI and a trigger shot. And then back on Thurs 12/6 for another IUI, which both had good counts and motility like a Christmas sale at Macys, lol! The shot hurt...A LOT and I still have a red mark in the spot and it hurt for a few days, but if it brings us a healthy you, then I don't care about all this proding and pricking! Well, on 12/12 we see where my estrogen levels and uterine lining are at and on 12/19 we shall find out the truth about this cycle!! I hope this work and we have a Christmas miracle!!